History of the Colorado PGA

The Colorado Section of the PGA was founded in 1957 as the 31st Section of the Professional Golfers’ Association of America. Noble Chalfant, then President of the Colorado Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Section PGA, was instrumental in handling the formal charter application and in pursuing the necessary formalities leading to the separation of the Chapter from the Rocky Mountain Section. At that time, Colorado was part of The PGA’s Rocky Mountain Division that ranged from Southern Canada to Northern Mexico. Noble’s ability to cause The PGA to make Colorado a separate entity was considered a major achievement for Colorado’s golf professionals.

The Section originally had 30 members. The territorial boundaries of the Section included the State of Colorado and the Eastern one-half of the State of Wyoming (excluding Sheridan and Riverton).


In 1964, under the direction of Warren Smith, Section President, the first Executive Committee was established. The Executive Committee was a nine-man Board of Directors, one third of whom was elected each year, and was responsible for conducting the affairs of the Section.


In 1971, in conjunction with the Colorado Golf Association, the position of Executive Director was created. This role came with the responsibility to operate the affairs of the Colorado Section within the guidelines established by the Section’s Executive Committee and by the PGA constitution. Jerry King was the first Executive Director assigned to the position.


When Jerry resigned in 1973 to accept a head professional position, a Selection Committee, consisting of Colorado PGA and Colorado Golf Association representatives, was appointed to designate his successor. Myran Craig, former Assistant Golf Professional at Aurora Hills Golf Course, and then Head Professional at South Suburban Golf Course, was selected to the position of Executive Director.

At this time, the membership had grown to 138, with 67 Members and 71 Apprentices.


The year 1978 also marked two milestones in the Section’s history. First, the West Chapter of the Section was established. Secondly, the PGA Section and the Colorado Golf Association agreed to discontinue the combined office format which had been in operation since 1971.


By 1987, the total number of members rose to 337. This number represented 214 Members and 123 Apprentices. During that same period, the PGA of America’s total membership increased from 12,000 to 15,300 members.

As the Section grew, so did its fiscal responsibilities. Around this time, the Executive Committee and membership began to assess the financial standing of the Section and focused on long-range financial goals. In 1986, the membership approved the purchase of a building in Aurora, Colorado, that the Section Office would call home. This marked a significant step in preserving the financial ability of the Section and set it apart as one of the few PGA sections to own their own office building.


By 1994, the membership had experienced an increase in membership to 472, made up of 329 Class A members, and 143 Apprentices. Myran Craig retired in 1995, and his vacancy was filled by Scott Wellington, Director of Marketing for the Southern California PGA Section.


As the game itself continued to grow, so did the Colorado Section. In 2004, Scott Wellington moved on to become the Tournament Director at Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Invitational. The job of Executive Director was filled by then Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Section PGA, Darrel Bock. Bock spent three and a half years in his position before moving on to become the Director of Section Affairs for the PGA of America. The next Executive Director would come from within the Section as Eddie Ainsworth, former General Manager at the Eisenhower Golf Club, stepped into the role as Executive Director in 2008.


In 2020, the Colorado Section has more than 800 members, with 727 Class A members and 93 Associates. There are approximately 250 golf courses employing PGA members in the Section. The only change in geographical boundaries of the Section since 1957 has been the addition of the cities of Spearfish and Rapid City, South Dakota.


In 2022, Steven Bartkowski was hired on as the new Executive Director taking over for Eddie Ainsworth, PGA. Steven had spent the previous five years as the Executive Director of the Western New York PGA Section.


Today, the Colorado Section has more than 900 members, with 724 Class A Members and 186 Associates.

Colorado PGA Past Presidents

Years Name Years Name
2022-2024 Cathy Matthews-Kane, PGA 1976 Gerald C. King
2020-2022 Jim Hajek, PGA 1975 Charles, "Vic" Kline, PGA
2018-2020 Ben Welsh, PGA 1974 Warren F. Smith, Jr.
2016-2018 Ty Thompson, PGA 1973 Warren F. Smith, Jr.
2014-2016 Leslie Core-Drevecky, PGA 1972 Dow H. Finsterwld
2012-2014 Barry Milstead, PGA 1971 Bob Hansen
2009-2011 Tim Lollar, PGA 1970 Gerald C. King
2007-2008 Alan R. Abrams, PGA 1969 Warren F. Smith, Jr.
2005-2006 Kyle A. Heyen, PGA 1968 Marion H. Pfluger
2003-2004 Robert J McNamee, PGA 1967 A.J. Tony Novitsky
2001-2002 Edward D. Oldham, PGA 1966 Warren F. Smith, Jr.
1999-2000 Robert E. Doyle, PGA 1965 Warren F. Smith, Jr.
1997-1998 Barry C. Jennings, PGA 1964 Gene Root
1995-1996 Nigel Rouse, PGA 1963 Kenneth D. Wright
1993-1994 Keith B. Schneider 1962 Noble E. Chalfant
1991-1992 Charles, "Vic" Kline, PGA 1961 Bob Veylupek
1989-1990 Danny Harvanek, PGA 1960 Ralph "Rip" Arnold
1998 Donald W. Alley 1959 Ralph "Rip" Arnold
1987 Frederick John Trenck III, PGA 1958 Joseph Moritz, Jr.
1986 Paul T. Babb
1985 Thomas A. Connell, PGA
1984 Carl L. Faddis
1983 Charles, "Vic" Kline, PGA
1982 James E. Faddis, PGA
1981 Donald A. Fox, PGA
1980 Paul T. Babb
1979 Paul W. McMullen
1978 Charles, "Vic" Kline, PGA
1977 Winston A. Howe, Jr., PGA
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